
12 Little Known Facts About Animal Mouths

12 Little Known Facts About Animal Mouths


The most teeth you will ever have is 32. This might be hard to believe when you look at a snail that can have as many as twenty-five thousand tiny teeth located on their tongue. The truth is there are a lot of differences between your mouth and the mouths of animals. The following are 12 facts about animal mouths that you may not have heard before and some will leave you feeling happy that you are not one of them: 

1. The ELEPHANT has molars that can weigh as much as 8 pounds. Can you imagine carrying around teeth that weigh that much? The elephant tusk is also considered a tooth. Elephants have twenty-four teeth in their mouths. That is over two hundred pounds of teeth.

2. The T-REX was a ferocious dinosaur that could eat whatever was in its path. It’s no wonder, considering that the T-Rex had teeth that were 9 inches long and they had more than 60 teeth. They could eat whatever they wanted. 

3. GIRAFFES have 32 teeth like you will when you’re an adult. What is so different about the giraffe’s mouth, though, is their tongue. The giraffe’s tongue is about 20 inches long and they use it just like an elephant uses its trunk. They can pick stuff up with it and even clean their own ears. Jealous?

4. Most kids are jealous of DOGS because it is very rare for a dog to get a cavity. This is because the dog has a lot of good bacteria in the mouth that helps to prevent them. Also, dogs don’t eat a lot of foods with sugar and acid. If you cut back on sugar and acid, you, too, won’t get a lot of cavities. 

5. DOLPHINS only get one set of teeth and they don’t even use them for chewing up their food. They actually swallow all of their food whole. This prevents fish bones from getting caught in their throats. What do they use their teeth for then? They use them only to defend themselves from predators like sharks. 

6. Some animals, like the RABBIT, have teeth that continuously grow. They keep them short by chewing on sticks and twigs. If you have a pet rabbit, you may need to get a metal cage instead of wood so it doesn’t chew through the sides and get out. If they don’t chew to keep the teeth short, they will not be able to eat. 

7. Look inside the mouth of a baby BIRD and you might be shocked by what you see. Baby birds have tooth-like spikes in the back of their throat. They look like teeth and they help them to swallow the food that their mothers bring them. 

8. There is actually a fish that has teeth that look like yours. A SHEEPSHEAD fish has three rows of teeth on the top and two rows on the bottom. The teeth look almost the same as yours and are used to eat a wide variety of foods, including those with hard shells. 

9. CHIMPANZEES, just like you, will have 32 when they reach adulthood. Why don’t they end up with braces like you? As humans evolved, our faces became flatter, while the chimps mouths are still extended. This gives them more room for their 32 teeth. Your mouth is smaller, which means less room and teeth can be pushed out of place easily. 

10. Both ALLIGATORS and CROCODILES have teeth that are hollow. This means they break very easily. However, unlike your adult teeth, alligators and crocodiles grow new ones. They can actually grow as much as three thousand teeth over their lifetime! 

11. Another animal that goes through a lot of teeth is the SHARK. They have teeth that can be replaced over and over again. Many sharks can grow as many as twenty thousand teeth before their death. 

12. Perhaps the weirdest fact about animal mouths, though, is that of the TURTLE in China that pees out of its mouth. That’s right. It actually pees out of its mouth. You just want to be happy that you are not this type of turtle! Read more about 12 Little Known Facts About Animal Mouths

9 Signs Your Child Needs to See a Dentist Right Now

You probably already know just how important your teeth are. They help you talk. They allow you to chew. They give others something to see when you smile.

They even give 
you something to smile about when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Now take that importance and think about what it means to your child. Think about just how important those pearly chompers are to everything from your child's daily activities to their personal development when growing up.

Without a doubt, they're even more important for your children.

That's why when you notice any of the following 9 signs from your child, your child needs to see the nearest pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

1. White Spots

White spots are normal, right? Most parents think they go away with time.

Wrong! They're generally the first warning signs that a cavity is about to develop. They require quick intervention, or your child's beautiful smile may be on the way towards being tarnished.

Your dentist can perform restorative dentistry if those spots are decay and it has gone too far, or they can recommend dietary changes or dental products to help remineralize the teeth.

2. Irritated Gums

If your child complains about their gums feeling sore or irritated after they brush, then that's a warning sign that they may have gingivitis.

Should you be worried? Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease, but it is also a stage that can be reversed if treated promptly.

With improved dental hygiene, your child may be able to enjoy brushing and flossing without having to worry about irritated or bleeding gums.

3. Sensitivity to Liquids or Foods

Every child has their favorite cold or hot treat. Hot chocolate, ice cream, soup with silly shapes in it and even ice-cold milk comes to mind.

What would cause your child to stop eating the foods they enjoy? The same thing that might stop you: sensitivity in your teeth to foods that are hotter or colder than room temperature.

While this may be a problem that sorts itself out, it can also be the beginning signs of tooth decay, an exposed tooth root or a myriad of unfriendly problems. Your child's dentist can treat these problems and, worse comes to worst, give your child special medicine that decreases sensitivity so they can enjoy their favorite treats once more.

4 Full-On Decay

Tooth decay starts as small white spots that represent a thinned outer layer of the enamel. The decay then changes to a brown color and finally turns black. The last two colors represent decay that the body cannot reverse on its own.

If your child has brown or black spots on their teeth, then it's time to see your dentist. Your child may need fillings to ensure that the decay doesn't progress.

As with all things, prompt treatment of dental cavities ensures teeth will last far longer than if you waited until the last second to have your child's teeth fixed.

5. Wobbly Teeth

Does your child have a tooth that wobbles to and fro? Does it wiggle back and forth? Does it act like it wants to go?

Even though it's natural for “baby” teeth to do this as your child ages, it may not be because there's another tooth trying to grow in place. Your child may already have periodontal problems or teeth affected by trauma.

To ensure this isn't the case, schedule an appointment for your child with their pediatric dentist immediately.

6. Adult Teeth

If your child is at that age where they begin to lose their baby teeth and their adult teeth are setting in, there's a few problems that might occur.

Their adult teeth might be impacted or crooked. One or more teeth might be trying to erupt underneath other adult teeth. There may even be damage to some of the teeth due to other conditions.

That's why it's always a good idea to check things out at the dentist's office with some x-rays. Early intervention can make your child's smile better.

7. Yellow Teeth

The one color besides white, brown or black that hasn't been covered yet is yellow. It's the color that some teeth get due to the ingestion of certain foods or chemicals while teeth are developing.

If your child's teeth are yellow, then this could be a cause for concern. While yellow teeth may not be a direct threat to the health of their teeth, it does represent something that could hurt their self-esteem as they grow up.

8. White Streaks

Every child should have fluoride in their diet to ensure that their teeth can be protected from acids. What happens when your child gets too much fluoride?

A number of things can happen to their body, but the most prominent concerns the development of white streaks or splotches on their teeth. These can have a damaging effect on your child's self-esteem, which means that it's best to fix them as soon as possible.

9. Toothaches

The most obvious sign that your child needs to see a dentist is a toothache. Nobody should be forced to suffer through this kind of pain, because it affects everything from eating to trying to rest at night.

If your child experiences toothaches, then don't hesitate for one second to contact us at Tatum Pediatric Dentistry. We'll do our best to get your child in as soon as possible so that their toothache woes go away. Read more about 9 Signs Your Child Needs to See a Dentist Right Now

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